Holly Springs' ORIGINAL evening run! Group RUN/WALK from Bombshell Beer Company THURSDAYs at 6:30pm. Come run, walk, or a bit of each … ALL PACES WELCOME! Two mile walk group, and run/intervals of 3, 4, and 5 miles. You can JOIN THE CLUB to track your runs, and earn cool SWAG! Set up your own account at FITVIL. It’s FREE! Go to https://www.fitvil.com/group/5172-bombshellrunclub “Register Now”. Then, download the Fitvil APP for easy check-in on Thursdays. If you’ve been to a run at Pace Yourself, Carolina Brewing, Bond Brothers or nOg run clubs, you already have an account. Just sign-in and join the group “Bombshell Run Club”!